I Mint What I Said and I Said What I Mint

Earlier today, I saw an ad on youtube for a new Burt's Bees toothpaste. I decided to look it up, hoping against hope that they would offer honey-flavoured toothpaste or something similarly interesting. But as we already know, there is no such thing as non-mint toothpaste for adults.

The toothpaste flavours offered by Burt's Bees are Zen Peppermint, Mountain Mint, and Mint Medley. Additionally, for kids they offer Fruit Fusion; however, check out the one and only user review for this toothpaste on the Burt's Bees website:

A user review, titled "Fruit Fusion ... Fusion here apparently means mint."  The body reads "Fantastic toothpaste. Great ingredients. Decent price point. No dye! That's hard to find. My main issue with this is the labeling. Fruit Fusion. Kids toothpaste. Fruit flavour, right? Nope. Fruity AND minty. Wonderful if that is what you like; an awful surprise for a "spicy"/mint hating 4 year old. So heads up. No, I do not recomment this product."

The toothpaste industry is truly verging on self-parody.

Anyways, my toothpaste flavour dataset has been updated.