An Academic Nightmare

Have you ever dreamt about an impending exam for a class that you totally forgot you were taking? If so, maybe you'll like this little interactive fiction game I made. This sat unfinished for over a year until another grad student's comments about having a similar dream prompted me to finish it.

I started this as a small project to experiment with the Ink scripting language for interactive fiction. Definitely check it out if you're interested in writing this sort of thing yourself. It has some nice properties:

  • Open Source but actively developed for use by successful indie studio Inkle, which suggests some level of support/longevity
  • Less boilerplate than XML or JSON-based interactive fiction systems (it's basically a lightweight markup language)
  • Designed primarily to be a usable tool, rather than an introductory/educational resource (although it seems like it would be pretty accessible to a non-coder)
  • Designed as middleware, so you can integrate it into a more complex game (might be useful as a dialogue system in an RPG?)

BONUS: I also made a Lunar Lander-like game in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 49 (way back in October), but didn't bother posting about it at the time. Play it here!